Thursday, May 26, 2011

There is a God!

Very basic statement, but involves so much controversy.  Honestly I grew up in the church and by the time I headed off to college I was so frustrated with people who didn’t know what they believed or why (this may or may not have been the case but it was my perception).  I was 18 and headed off to college and wanted nothing to do with church, but I did want to figure out what I believed and have good reasons for doing so.  But as hard as I tried I couldn't’t believe there was no God.  I had no idea how similar to the God I grew up hearing about this God was but it seemed to me there had to be a God.

Why does there have to be a God?  My basic reasoning was this, where did we come from.  Not evolution vs creationism.  Way before that.  Where did this universe come from.  As far as I could tell it started with the big bang.  The problem is that we haven’t solved the problem we’ve only pushed it back in time.  At some time in the past (13 billion years ago or something like that) there was a really dense, really hot mass.  By really dense and really hot, I pretty much mean infinitely so.  At some point this mass began to expand and cool down.  But where did this really dense, really hot mass come from?  We’re back at where we started with needing a cause.

Well at some point down the line either before the big bang or before the event that lead to the big bang or before the event that lead to that (we could keep going but its turtles all the way down we have to have some sort of cause.  And this cause has to have a few properties.  The first being that this cause doesn’t have a beginning.  If it has a beginning it had a cause and we have to go further back.  Second it has to be powerful.  We’re talking creating the universe powerful, something that makes an atomic bomb look like being hit over the head with a grain of sand.  Third it can’t be a physical object.  Why?  Because we are talking about the creation of the universe which contains all physical matter.

So now we have something that is eternal, powerful, and outside of the physical realm that has created the universe.  That sounds an awful lot like God, or a god.  At this point in my life I didn’t have any idea about the nature of this god.  But I couldn’t just dismiss the idea that a god existed.  That my friends is what I consider a reasonable explanation of a belief in God.  If you are looking for an airtight proof see my disclaimer.

My disclaimer:
There are large books dedicated to the defense of Christianity (and I'm sure other religions/world views as well) and I'm not going to give all known evidence or even a lot of evidence because this is a blog not a book, but I will try to give a reasonable explanation.  That being said, feel free to ask questions leave comments etc.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Christians Believe What?

Maybe its just me, but it seems every day I hear people discussing what they think Christians believe and they are no where close.  Maybe its Harold Campings fault for making people think that all Christians were planning on being raptured last weekend.  Maybe there isn't a good place for people to get the straight facts without being confused with church words, feeling like they are being judged, attacked, or being condemned to the fiery pits of hell.  On the other hand maybe there is and people don't know about it, or maybe people don't actually care enough to find out what others believe.  I have no idea, but I'm going to start by giving people a place to learn and discuss.  Questions, comments, concerns etc are all welcomed and encouraged.  Bashing people, their beliefs and general rudeness are not!

One of my pet peeves has always been people who don't know what they believe and why they believe it.  I don't care if you are a Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan, Atheist, or don't even know what any of those words mean. If its your belief you should be able to articulate it and defend it.  The "My mom told me that's the way it was" or "Well I've always believed that" arguments doesn't fly as an adult.  That is why I will also try to give reasons for all statements made.  There are large books dedicated to the defense of Christianity (and I'm sure other religions/world views as well) and I'm not going to give all known evidence or even a lot of evidence because this is a blog not a book, but I will try to give a reasonable explanation.  That being said, feel free to ask questions leave comments etc.

Here is a quick summary of the main things Christians believe and what I will talk about in this blog...
1.  There is a God who created us and loves us.
2.  He sent his son Jesus to earth.  He was crucified, died, and rose from the dead.
3.  The story of God and his relationship with his people is recorded in the Bible.
4.  God is still around and active in the world and the live of those who follow him (he wants to be involved in the lives of those who don't follow him but he won't force himself into our lives).
5.   When we die we will be judged, we will go either to heaven or hell.  Our eternity does not depend on what we do, but in our relationship with God.